How to Make a Spell Jar

How to Make a Spell Jar

How do I make a Spell Jar? 

What is a spell jar?

A spell jar is a type of charm or talisman that is created by placing various ingredients into a jar and imbuing them with intention and magic. The spell jar is then sealed and often kept in a special place or carried with you to maintain its effects.


Making a spell jar requires a few essential steps, regardless of your intention.

Set your Intentions: To ensure your spell jar is effective, you must start with a very clear and specific goal. Are you creating a spell jar to build wealth or success professionally? Attract new friendships? Boost your creativity and focus for an important presentation at work? This is not the time for generalizations or ambiguity.

For instance, saying you want to create a spell jar to attract love is too vague. The crystals, herbs, and other ingredients you use will differ depending on the type of love you wish to invite into your life. Visualize a precise image of what success looks like for this spell jar to guide and inform the entire creation process.

Gather your ingredients: Now is the time to select a jar and gather ingredients. Use your intuition and knowledge to gather the correct items to help attain your intention. Herbs are a common ingredient and we have created helpful blogs on every common herb used in witchcraft which are a great resource, and we have made kits for you to use to create specific types of spell jars. Even so, omit or add any ingredient you feel you need.

Be careful to have everything ready for the spell so you don’t have to break concentration by searching for items halfway through.

Cleansing: You need to create a space to perform the ritual of creating the jar. Cleanse the area before you start. The jar and ingredients are often cleansed as well. You may use whichever method you prefer. Smoke, water, and salt are the most common methods, Ww have a handy guide here to help if you are new to cleansing.

Filling the Jar: This step varies widely based on your personal practice and ingredients. Usually, it is best to add any written intentions first to create a good base, then heavy/bulky ingredients, following with lighter ones. Liquid ingredients at the end. You will want to perform this ritual while visualizing your intentions.

Sealing: The jar is sealed. There are a few different ways to seal your finished spell jar. Outer and inner wax sealing (usually with wax from a candle that matches the spell's intention (e.g., a red candle for love), sealing with tape, cloth sealing, and using sigils to seal the spell jar spiritually are the most used methods).

Activation: There are several ways to activate a spell jar. These methods include:

  • Visualization: Focusing on the intended outcome and mentally infusing the jar with that energy.
  • Tools: Using athames, wands, or clear quartz points to direct energy into the jar.
  • Shaking: Sealing the jar first and then shaking it to mix the ingredients and energize the spell.
  • Essential Oils: Adding essential oils to the contents before sealing the jar to imbue it with their specific properties.

Additionally, sunlight and moonlight can be used to charge the spell jar. Sometimes activation occurs after the jar is sealed. For example, shaking the jar and its contents is best done once the jar is sealed. Conversely, if using essential oils to activate the spell, these should be added before sealing the jar, making sealing the final step.

Uses and Purposes of a Spell Jar

Spell jars can be created for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Protection: To ward off negative energy or harm.
  • Love: To attract or enhance love and relationships.
  • Prosperity: To draw wealth and financial stability.
  • Healing: To promote physical or emotional healing.
  • Peace: To bring tranquility and reduce stress.


After creating a spell jar, it is often kept in a place of significance, like an altar, a bedside table, or carried in a bag. Some might regularly "feed" the spell jar by adding more energy to it through meditation, prayer, or by adding new ingredients.


If the spell's purpose has been fulfilled or if you no longer want the spell to be active, the jar can be deactivated. This might involve a specific ritual to release the energies, disposing of the contents in a natural and respectful way, and thanking the elements and spirits involved.

Spell jars are a tangible way to focus magical intention and are excellent rituals for beginners or long-standing witches alike.