Rituals for Mabon

Rituals for Mabon

Our Mabon rituals include a meaningful and easy spell and carefully-crafted seasonal Mabon rituals perfect for every skill level!

Happy Mabon, Tragics!

The air is turning slightly cooler, a welcomed relief from the sun drenched Summer. The Autumn Equinox is when the day and night are equal in the forces of light and dark. This Sabbat celebration is a time to tune into the Earth and our core selves.

Skip to ritual:
Protection Salt Ritual (Easy)
Personal Protection Spell Jar (Intermediate)
Healing Corn Doll  (Advanced)

Mabon occurs in the The Southern Hemisphere on March 20, 2025, and on September 23, 2025 in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time for balance and to find equilibrium in our polarities. This space allows us to reacquaint with the full scope of our internal dual nature: mirrored by the natural world around us. 

It is a period of change between seasons and yourself.  The second harvest reminds us to truly take inventory of our lives and acknowledge what we reap the rewards of, or what we may be lacking. Prepare for the next cycle by taking stock of what you have and clear out what you no longer need. Mabon represents preparation, gratitude and reflection. 

Acknowledge what you have, express gratitude and integrate your current state into your present reality before entering the upcoming seasons of darkness and cold.  Mabon is an ideal time to perform rituals to protect their space and energy during this transition. 
Whether you're a beginner witch or are experienced in the craft, our Mabon rituals will help ensure you getting the most out of celebrating this Autumn Equinox in 2025.

We have created a few Mabon Rituals for you to try for this Sabbat. These were designed by our in-house witches!

Other Ritual Practices for Mabon:
Cleansing and Shielding.
Spiritual Guidance.
Visualization and Writing
Scrying or Offering Bowls.
Reflection and Gratitude.

Protection Salt Ritual (Easy)

This is an easy one for those who have our Mabon Sabbat Kit and are just learning about witchcraft. It is a simple protection spell to help guard your space. You can use the items within our kit or use other items more aligned to your purpose.

Read more: Celebrating Mabon in 2024

You'll need

The Ritual

  1. Set your intention and visualize a protective bubble engulfing your space.
  2. While focusing on your intention, add the black salt and some of the herb blend to a mortar and pestle (or a food processor if you prefer).
  3. Grind your intention into the herbs and salt for as long as you feel necessary.
  4. Sprinkle the salt mixture at all the entrances & exits of your space (including windows).

Alternatively, you can sprinkle the salt blend along your property line or hang it in mojo bags at all of the entrances of your space. If you have pets or little ones, you can also hang it in mojo bags, or place it in a bowl, out of their reach. 

Personal Protection Spell Jar (Intermediate)

This ritual is slightly more difficult than the previous one, and is a perfect way to protect & cleanse yourself for the upcoming Mabon season.

You'll need

The Ritual

  1. Cleanse the vial before beginning your ritual using your preferred method.
  2. While focusing on your intention, add the Sea Salt, Crystal Chips, Juniper Berries, the herb blend then a few drops of the essential oil the spell jar, the order is up to you.
  3. Seal the vial tightly, and place it inside the case, and carry the spell jar with you wherever you go.
  4. Once your spell jar has served its purpose, open it and separate the reusable materials (crystals, charms, etc.) from the organic materials (herbs).
  5. Bury or burn the herbs to return them to the earth.
  6. As you recycle the items, be sure to thank each piece that was inside for helping you 

Healing Corn Doll (Advanced)

This ritual is for more advanced witches, though anyone can give it a try! Don't forget, we are always here to help you & guide you through your witchcraft journey!

You'll need

  • Fresh Corn Cob with Husk 
  • Mabon Resin Blend
  • Twine
  • Notebook

The Ritual

  1. Write your intention on a small piece of paper. Focus on healing as you perform this ritual.
  2. Peel the husks from the corn, while keeping them as intact as possible.
  3. Tie a piece of twine around the base of the corn cob, and hang it somewhere to dry out.
  4. In the center of a large piece of corn husk, place approximately one teaspoon of the resin incense and your piece of paper.
  5. To make the head and neck, fold the husk in half, while turning the edges to ensure the resin stays inside the husk. Tie a piece of twine underneath the bulge created by the resin. (It should look like a little ghost)
  6. Using 2 pieces of the husk laid on top of each other,  fold the ends over then roll it, tie off in 3-5 places along the length of the roll. This will be the arms.
  7. Using the remaining husks, fold them in half, and wrap them around the section below the head. This will look like a dress.
  8. Tie the arms to the body by wrapping them with twine in a figure 8 formation.
  9. At this point you can leave the doll as is or you can use twine to shape the dress into legs.
  10. Use the corn doll and corn cob as decoration for your Mabon altar, and as a vessel for welcoming healing energies into your life.
  11. When your corn cob and doll are dry, and once you feel it is right, burn both in a well ventilated area, and visualize the smoke as the positive energies returning home to rest and renew.

There are many ways to celebrate Mabon and we've made it easy for you to find inspiration and ideas with our blog on Celebrating Mabon! What will you manifest this Mabon in 2025?

*Safe witches are clever witches, never leave a flame unattended and always be prepared to safely put out a fire if needed.

Tragic Beautiful has curated a collection of witchcraft supplies, tools, and books available here. Join our coven and learn more about magick! We'd love to see you on Facebook, in our VIP group, on insta and our TikTok!

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