Rituals for Litha

Rituals for Litha

Rituals for Litha: Celebrate Midsummer Magic

Pronounced: lee-tha / lee-thuh

Litha, also known as Midsummer or the Summer Solstice, marks the peak of the sun's power and the longest day of the year. It’s a time to honour the brilliance of the sun and the abundance Mother Nature provides during this season of joy and plenty.

For the Southern Hemisphere, Litha falls on December 21st to 23rd, while in the Northern Hemisphere, it is celebrated from June 20th to 22nd. This year, mark December 21st (Southern Hemisphere) or June 20th (Northern Hemisphere) as the day to soak up the magic of the Sun and revel in the warmth and light it brings. We have just released our brand new Litha Sabbat Ritual Kit for those of you celebrating in the Southern Hemisphere this December.

During this vibrant season, fire magic, protection spells, and love magic are especially potent. It’s also the perfect time to focus on transformation, strengthen relationships, and manifest new beginnings. Whether you’re gathering with loved ones or celebrating solo, here are three Litha rituals we love, to help you harness this powerful energy.

Litha Protection Fire Ritual

This ritual can be done alone or shared with friends and loved ones. As Midsummer celebrates abundance, consider pairing this practice with a feast, music, or dancing to fully embrace the season’s energy.

What You’ll Need:


  1. Start by lighting a fire—this can be a bonfire, a fireplace, or even a safe container for burning herbs. Always follow proper fire safety practices.

    • If a fire isn’t possible, burn your herbs on a lit charcoal disc or anoint a gold spell candle with oil. Roll the candle in the herb blend and light it.

  2. Gather your herbs and sit by the fire. Take a moment to set your intention, focusing on protection for yourself, your space, or your loved ones.

  3. Hold the herb blend in your palms and let your intention flow into them. Speak your intention aloud or hold it firmly in your mind.

  4. Toss the herbs into the fire and watch as the smoke carries your intention. Visualise the protective energy surrounding and shielding you.

Transformation & Healing Ritual Oil

This ritual focuses on healing and transformation, allowing you to renew your mind, body, and spirit.

What You’ll Need:

  • Olive Oil (or a carrier oil of your choice)

  • Cinnamon

  • Lavender

  • Rose Petals

  • Green Aventurine Chips

  • 30mL Glass Roller Bottle

  • Plastic Funnel


  1. Take a moment to set your intention for transformation and healing.

  2. Using your preferred method for creating ritual oils (check out our blog post on creating ritual oils for a step-by-step guide), infuse your carrier oil with cinnamon, lavender, and rose petals.

  3. Once infused, transfer the oil into a roller bottle using the funnel and add a few green aventurine chips for extra magic.

  4. Use this oil to draw sigils on your body while keeping your intention in mind. Alternatively, wear it as a perfume when you need a boost of healing energy.

Relationship Renewal Ritual

Whether you’re looking to renew a connection with a partner, friend, or family member, this ritual will help strengthen bonds and bring relationships into harmony.

What You’ll Need:


  1. Gather all of your tools and boil water for the tea.

  2. Set your intention for the relationship you want to renew.

  3. Using your wooden athame, carve your name into one of the candles and the other person’s name into the second candle.

  4. Brew 1 tablespoon of Litha Relationship Renewal Tea in 500mL of water. Add your preferred sweetener such as honey or sugar, if desired.

  5. Place the two candles approximately 20-30cm apart and light them.

  6. As the candles burn, drink your tea and focus on your intention. Every few minutes, move the candles closer together until they meet in the middle. Allow them to burn completely in this position.

Celebrate the Sun and Soak in Midsummer Magic

Litha is a time of pure magic, joy, and transformation. Spend the day celebrating the Sun’s power, connecting with nature, and embracing the abundance around you. Whether you’re lighting fires, creating ritual oils, or strengthening relationships, let Litha fill your life with warmth, light, and love.

Check out of blog on Setting Up Your Litha Altar Here.

Wishing you a radiant and magickal Litha! ✨