Divination: What is scrying, and how do I scry?

Divination: What is scrying, and how do I scry?

At its core, Divination is a way to gain insight into the future or answer a question you may have. It can lead you to hidden insights within your own self or subconscious. Divination can also be a profound spiritual tool that facilitates a deeper connection with our intuition and guides.

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Getting started in divination as a magical practice can seem overwhelming to beginners in witchcraft, as there are so many types of divination and tools to choose from.

What is Divination?

At its core, Divination is a way to gain insight into the future or answer a question you may have. It can lead you to hidden insights within your own self or subconscious. Divination can also be a profound spiritual tool that facilitates a deeper connection with our intuition and guides. 

At Tragic Beautiful, we have many types of divination tools to choose from such as crystal balls, scrying mirrors and bowls, runes, pendulums, Tarot and Oracle cards, and even candles which can be used in fire divination. You will often feel called towards a particular method or tool. Trust that intuition.

Scrying Mirror

What is Scrying?

At its core, scrying is the act of gazing into a reflective or translucent surface to gain insights. Whether it's mirrors, crystal balls, water, or even flames, the focus lies in creating a receptive state of mind that allows you to tap into the energies and symbolism.  

How do I Scry?

Scrying requires the ability to enter a light trance-like state. Those who meditate or practice mindfulness often find it easier to slip into this state. For beginners, patience is key, as you will get better with practice. With time and dedication, anyone can learn the art of scrying. You will need to research, practice and feel what works best for you, but as a general guide, these are the steps to scry with a mirror, crystal ball, flame or scrying bowl with water.

  • Set the scene: Choose a quiet and dimly lit space for your scrying session, with a focus on creating a calm and sacred atmosphere.
  • Cleanse and consecrate: Purify your scrying tool. You may use traditional cleansing methods such as using a cleansing wand or passing it through the smoke of cleansing herbs.
  • Ground yourself: Begin the session with grounding techniques, ensuring you are in a balanced and focused state of mind.
  • Invoke protection: Use your preferred method to call upon protective energies or deities to safeguard your scrying and create a sacred space. You could form a protective crystal grid or burn a protective herbal resin blend. Send out the intention that you are only inviting positive energies and entities.
  • Concentrate on intent: Clearly state your purpose or question for the scrying session, focusing your energy on the desired outcome.
  • This step varies slightly depending upon your tool. If using a Crystal Ball for scrying, make sure to hold the ball in the centre of both palms, if it is too large you can place it on a stand in front of you with palms touching the sphere as making contact allows you to connect with its energies. Make and hold a gaze with your crystal ball.  Keep the gaze. Allow visions, symbols, or messages to enter your head.
    For Mirror Scrying, scrying with a bowl or other reflective surface: Fix your gaze on the reflective surface, allowing your mind to enter a meditative state while remaining open to visions, symbols, or messages.
    Fire Scrying is as above, but staring into the wonder of the flame as it flickers and moves.
    Do not force thoughts, rather be the receiver. You may see actual shapes and forms, or images may appear in your mind.
  • Trust your intuition: Interpret the images or impressions that come to you intuitively, relying on your inner senses rather than strict literal interpretations.
  • Record your insights: Keep a journal to document your experiences, reflections, and any messages received during the scrying session.
  • Close the session: Thank the energies or entities involved with gratitude and respect.
  • Slowly take deep breaths and emerge from the trance, give yourself time to realign yourself back to this reality and time.

Crystal Balls for Scrying


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