December 29, 2021
Begone Bad Habits Spell

Get rid of those bad habits that are dragging you down! This spell comes courtesy of Sarah Bartlett's book Spellcraft for a Magickal Year and should be performed during a new moon.
The Altar
- 5 white candles
- 1 bowl of water
The Ritual
You are symbolically a channel between your past and future self: to protect the present “you”, walk in a large anticlockwise circle pointing at the earth to create a magical circle and recite the words:
“I cast this magic circle and am safe between two worlds”
Place the candles withing your circle, representing the 5 elements, and light them. Once lit, recite these words:
“By the power of earth, fire, water, and air
Out with the old, in with the new
Blessing, oh, Venus, for all that I do
To let go of the past and all that is bad
And empower me with grace and all that is glad”
Sprinkle water on each of the candles. Finally, blow out the candles and all the bad habits you wish to leave in the previous year will disappear and you will move on in the following weeks, unshackled by the chains of your past.