October 5, 2022
Full Moon in Aries Spell

The upcoming full moon on the 10th of October falls in the fiery, bold & brave zodiac sign: Aries.
The full moon provides lots of energy to kickstart your goals and achieve high impact results. You may find yourself feeling particularly energetic during this time with a strong desire to go full speed ahead chasing after your dreams and desires. This is the perfect time to conduct a spell aimed at improving your self confidence and inner power.
Please note this self-confidence & power spell can be done at any time, it is just amplified under the power of the full moon while in the astrological sign Aries.
- Altar bell or Frankincense Resin Incense & Charcoal Tablets
- Carnelian
- Cauldron
- Herbs: Blessed Thistle, Nettle Leaf, Rosemary & Yarrow
- Red candle (for power, confidence, will power & courage)
- Candle holder
- Frankincense Anointing Oil (associated with the fire element)
- Lighter or matches
- Set up and make room on your altar for the above tools.
- Cleanse yourself, altar and space by ringing your altar bell or burning your resin incense while reciting:
"Malicious energy, spirits & intentions must begone"
- Hold the Carnelian in your hands and recite:
“Carnelian, help me to gain courage & self-confidence”
- Place the Carnelian in your cauldron.
- Hold the Blessed Thistle in your hands and recite:
“Blessed Thistle, provide me with the strength to achieve my goals & desires”
- Drop the Blessed Thistle into your cauldron, then hold the Nettle Leaf in your hands and recite:
“Nettle Leaf, aid me with strengthening my will”
- Drop the Nettle Leaf into your cauldron, then hold the Rosemary in your hands and recite:
“Rosemary, help me gain personal power”
- Drop the Rosemary into your cauldron, then hold the Yarrow in your hands while reciting the following:
“Yarrow, assist me with gaining courage & confidence”
- Drop the Yarrow into your cauldron.
- Mix the herbs together with your hands whilst envisioning their magickal properties working to increase your self confidence and power. Do this until you feel like you have worked your intention into the herbs.
- Take the Carnelian out of the cauldron. Now that it has been charged with the herbs and your intention, you can carry the stone on you to draw its energy.
- Anoint your red candle with Frankincense Anointing Oil.
- Dress your candle with the herbs you mixed together earlier.
- Place the candle in your candle holder.
- When you’re ready, light the candle and envision the spell working to bring you what you desire. Focus your vision on the flame and look for images that may appear - this is how the universe may pass on a message to you.*
*Safe witches are clever witches, never leave a flame unattended and always be prepared to safely put out a fire if needed.
Written by Mel B, Tragic's Witchy Consultant.