Imbolc Rituals

Imbolc Rituals

Imbolc, also known as St Brigid’s Day or Candlemas, is celebrated traditionally in the Southern Hemisphere on August 1st, and on February 1st in the Northern Hemisphere. This festivity honours the Goddess Brigid, celebrating the rebirth of spring, fertility, and the warmth to come.

Our Imbolc Sabbat Kit has everything you need to complete these 3 seasonal rituals.

Imbolc Rituals

Imbolc Pagan Ritual

Create a Luck / Prosperity Pouch

Imbolc Water Ceremony

Imbolc Pagan Ritual

This contemporary Irish Pagan ritual is a simple, yet meaningful way to connect with the energy of Imbolc and become in tune with the rhythms of nature. This ritual is designed to honour the spirit of Imbolc, the Irish fire festival, by incorporating elements of washing, spring-cleaning, poetry, fire, protection, connection to nature, and respect for ancestors, which are all elements of the Fire Festival traditions in Ireland.

You may choose to evoke Brigid of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Irish Goddess associated with this season if you feel called to, though it is not a necessary part of this ritual.

Preparing for Your Ritual

Space Preparation: Cleansing your altar or ritual space is essential if you want to conduct your ritual from a fresh, clean slate. This can be as simple as physically cleaning the area and then smoke cleansing with an appropriate herb. You can also spray or sprinkle water – containing seasonal herbs or oils if you would like to, throughout your working area.

Items Needed:

  • A white candle to symbolise purity and the return of light.
  • A bowl of water for washing and purification.
  • A small notebook and pen for writing poetry or intentions.
  • A natural object (a stone, twig, or spring flower) to represent your connection to nature.
  • An offering for ancestors (this could be a small loaf of bread, milk, honey, a favourite alcohol, or a personal memento). 


Grounding and Centring: Begin by grounding yourself. Stand or sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep, slow breaths. Visualise roots growing from your feet into the earth, connecting you to its energy. 

Lighting the Candle: Light the white candle, focusing on the return of light and warmth. If you wish to evoke (invite) Brigid to join you, say, “Brigid, keeper of the flame, bless and protect this space with your light and warmth”. 

Purification: Take the bowl of water and gently wash your hands and face, symbolising the cleansing and renewal of Imbolc. As you do this, visualise washing away winter’s darkness and welcoming the light of spring. 

Ancestor Honouring: Place your offering for the ancestors on your altar or a designated space. You might say, “Ancestors of blood and spirit, I honour you on this day of Imbolc. May your wisdom guide me.”

Nature Connection: Hold the natural object you’ve chosen. Reflect on your connection to the natural world, considering or observing any signs of Spring around you, or the promise of renewal.

Poetry and Intentions: In your notebook, write a short poem, an intention for the coming spring, or a message of gratitude. This exercise honours the tradition of poetry associated with Brigid, who is said to inspire poets.

Closing the Ritual: After completing these activities, take a moment to meditate on the flame of your candle. When you feel ready, gently extinguish the candle, saying, “May the light of Imbolc burn within me throughout the coming year.”

Afterward: Leave the offering for your ancestors overnight. The following day, you may dispose of it respectfully, returning it to nature if possible.

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Create a Luck / Prosperity Pouch

Create a luck and prosperity pouch to harness the promising and invigorating energies of Imbolc. Imbolc being the festival of light and purification makes this a perfect time to focus on inviting luck & prosperity into your life as the cold of winter is chased away by the blooming warmth of the spring ahead.

Items Needed

  • Green pouch
  • Crystals for luck/money: Citrine, Pyrite, Tiger’s Eye
  • A coin
  • Herb mix for luck/money
  • Green candle for luck and to symbolise the easy flow of money


On the night of Imbolc prepare a space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed.

Gather all the items you wish to add to your pouch. We have included some powerful items, but you are welcome to add whatever materials that may resonate with you. You might write intentions on paper, fold and include that, for example, or have a specific charm that relates.

Cleanse the area, your items and yourself with your preferred cleansing method. 

Light the candle. As you light your candle, you may ask for blessings in the creation of your bag.

Place your ingredients within the bag, some practitioners like to ensure that only an odd number of ingredients are included. Hold the pouch in your hands and meditate for 10–15 minutes. You may read aloud your intention from a prepared speech or incorporate a chant that relates to your intention.

For this, you could use the following as a guide:

I invite luck and prosperity into my life 

I welcome luck and prosperity into my life

I deserve luck and prosperity in my life

Repeating affirmations like this during meditation can really help, especially if you struggle to keep focus. It can also help to drill it into your subconscious so that moving forward, you’ll unconsciously make decisions that attract more luck and prosperity into your life.

Sleep with the pouch under your pillow until sunrise the next morning, or keep it by your bed. You can then carry it around and use it as a lucky charm moving forward.

Keep the pouch with you or in a place of significance, like your workspace or where you keep your valuables. Revisit the pouch periodically, holding it and reaffirming your intentions. You can add items to the bag, feed it with a prosperity ritual oil or essential oils associated with 

>When you feel the spell bag has worked its magic and is no longer necessary, then undo the bag and separate the items inside. The herbs you can compost. Recharge the crystals, and if possible, reuse the fabric

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Imbolc Water Ceremony

olc, traditionally celebrated on August 1st or 2nd, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. It is a festival of light and purification, symbolising the gradual return of the sun and the promise of spring. Brigid, the goddess of healing, poetry, and smithcraft, is honoured during this time. She is also the guardian of sacred wells and waters, making water a potent and powerful symbol for this ceremony.

This Imbolc water ceremony honours the goddess Brigid and her sacred connection to healing waters, providing a meaningful way to send healing energy to the Earth and yourself.

Items Needed

  • Three jars for collecting water
  • Tree of Life Cauldron 
  • Vial
  • White or green candle
  • Cleansing wand


Choose three locations that are sacred or significant to you for collecting water. This could include a nearby stream, a pond, river or lake. It could be as simple as rainwater collected in your backyard, or water from your kitchen tap nestled in the sanctuary of your home. Collect water from these sources into your three jars. If you cannot find 3 sources of water, you could leave water overnight under the moon on three different nights to charge each with different moon energy. 

Find a quiet and clean space where you can perform the ceremony undisturbed and arrange your items (jars of water, cauldron, vial, candle) before you.You may wish to dress the candle with a ritual oil and/or carve your healing intentions upon it. 


Cleanse using your preferred cleansing method. We have included a cleansing wand. Light your wand, moving it in a clockwise direction to purify the space. 

Light the candle to symbolise the growing light of Imbolc and the new beginnings it heralds.

Ground and centre yourself. Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths. Visualise roots growing from your body into the earth, grounding you and connecting you with the earth’s energy. When you feel centred, begin the ceremony.

Call upon Brigid, the goddess associated with Imbolc and guardian of sacred wells, for her blessings. You can either use visualisation or say something like:

     Blessed Brigid, goddess of the flame and forge,

     Guardian of sacred wells and healing waters,

     I call upon your presence and blessings this Imbolc night.

     Bring your light and healing to this water, and through it, to the Earth.

Combine the waters. Hold each container of collected water in your hands, one by one, and focus on its energy. Visualise the unique qualities and significance of each water source. If you like, you can state out loud for each:  "Water from [source], I honour your journey and your essence." Pour them into the cauldron, combining the waters. 

Bless and charge the water. Place your hands over the cauldron. Visualise a bright, healing light surrounding and infusing the water with positive energy and healing intentions. Continue to focus on the water, sending healing energy into the cauldron. Feel the water's energetic vibration rising, filled with love and intention for healing and repair.

Pour a portion of the blessed water into a vial to keep for yourself. You can use this water in a bath when you need healing, or to create a healing spray.

Take the remaining blessed water to a garden, favourite body of water, or a local park. As you pour the water out, say:

     By Brigid's blessing, this water flows,

     Bringing healing and light.

     Earth, receive this gift of care,

     A symbol of love, hope, and rebirth.

Close the ceremony by thanking Brigid and any other deities or spirits you may have called upon. Extinguish the candle, feeling the energy of the ceremony being sealed within the blessed water and the Earth.

Keep the vial you saved in a special place. You can create a healing spray with this, or save and use in a ritual or a bath when you need extra healing energy.

Reflect on the ceremony and the connections you have with the sacred waters and the Earth.

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