Dream Induction Spell

November 11, 2021

Dream Induction Spell

Dream what you wish with a simple intention, all that's required is to follow the steps written right here at your very fingertips. 
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A Spell for Clarity

November 11, 2021

A Spell for Clarity

If you’re unguided, confused, lost - you can get clarity with this spell
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Remove Negative Attachments Spell

November 11, 2021

Remove Negative Attachments Spell

This spell assists in removing any negative feelings, making the moving forward process easier
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Self Love Spell

November 11, 2021

Self-Love Spell

Self-love is self care! This spell allows you to see your own beauty and eliminates self-doubt.
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Simple Cleansing Spells

November 18, 2019

Simple Cleansing Spells

Cleansing rituals are about the simplest ways to remove negative energy around you, but often get overlooked when we are feeling the weight of old arguments or other negativity that surround us. Th...
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Full Moon Rituals

July 1, 2019

Full Moon Rituals

The moon has been revered for its beneficial properties for thousands of years, back to when the absence of the moon meant dangerous nights and a bright, full moon was cause for celebration, trysts...
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